Zach Brewer

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Finishing Nose Ribs

Today I finished section 251 of the wing manual by installing all of the rivets connecting the nose ribs to the center ribs. I started by dimpling the last remaining hole (the one on the bottom of ...

Match Drilling Nose Ribs

Today my friend, Jordi, was in town from San Francisco and we had a bit of downtime so we decided to work on the plane a bit. Picking right up where I left off on section 251, we began by match dri...

Riveting the Nose Ribs to the Spar

Today my friend Josh came by to help me and I finished installing the nose ribs to the front spar using stainless steel rivets per section 251 of the manual. I had already installed most of the bot...

Finishing the Installation of the Machined Rib/Hanger Clips

Craig and Kate came by for a little while at the beginning the day today so that I could get Craig to look at a couple of things. Together we first looked at the final rivet I needed to install for...

Starting the Installation of the Outboard Aileron Hanger Clips

Today I started the installation of the machined tail rib clips for the outboard aileron hanger/machined tail rib for rib #12. The first thing I did for this step was to determine where all of the ...

Installing the Aileron/Flap Hanger Clips and Starting the Nose Ribs

Installing Aileron/Flap Hanger Clips Today I started by installing the clips on the flap/aileron hanger and #5 rib. I clamped each clip in place on the machined tail rib/hanger using long nose loc...

Preparing Rib Clips and Nose Ribs

Preparing Rib Clips The first thing I did today was start to get the rib clips prepared for installation per section 241 of the manual. It provides some restrictions about where the holes are supp...

Raising Spars

Today was a short session working on the plane. I got a cold and an ear infection (fortunately not COVID) about a week and a half ago and was still not feeling 100% so I decided to take it easy. Th...

Center Aileron Hanger

Craig came by once again today to help me finish installing the center aileron hanger. This part doesn’t seem tricky since there are just 4 more holes in the bracket to match drill and rivet; howev...

Outboard Aileron False Spar

Another friend, Alex, came by today to help me with the rest of the outboard aileron false spar installation. This was a pretty straightforward repeat of the inner portion that just required some c...