Zach Brewer

Recent Updates

Starting the Left Wing Leading Edge Skins

My grandfather and I continued to work on the plane today and focused on the leading edge skins. First, we installed the stall warning horn ground wire to the spar web per section 441, finishing th...

Left Wing Wiring

My grandfather is in town for a long weekend visit and to help me on the plane! We didn’t have a ton of time to work on the build today but we did install the wingtip, landing light, and stall warn...

Fuel Tank Corner Nutplates

I started today by finishing the installation of the landing light housing1. I removed the clamps and checked the glue, which had dried well. After that, I countersunk and pulled the rivets in the ...

Leading Edge Skin Spar Rivets

Craig came by again today and we drilled and riveted the spar-side rivets for the leading edge skins. This was a long and tedious process of carefully drilling hole with jig, deburr, install cleco,...

Fuel Tank Bay Skin

Today was another long day of working on leading edge skins - this time on the final skin in the fuel tank bay. The complication of this skin, besides the sawhorse getting in the way and making thi...

Landing Light Skin

Today I worked on the landing light skin using mostly the same process as described in the previous entry. The main difference was that I needed to remember to prep the landing light housing and pu...

Outboard Leading Edge Skins

Today was a long but productive day of working on the skins. It started with Craig coming back over so we could finish the top row of rivets. He didn’t quite like the way the bottom of his landing ...

Trimming the Leading Edge Skin

Today, I worked a bit by myself to get ready for Craig to come by again and help me finish the top row of leading edge skin rivets. When doing his wing, we discovered that the second most outboard ...

Starting the Top Leading Edge Skin Holes

Craig came by again today to continue helping me with the leading edge skins on the right wing. We had already marked all of the center rib locations and roughly placed the leading edge skins so af...

Starting Leading Edge Skins

Craig came by today and we started the leading edge skins on the right wing per section 49 of the manual1. We started by using the drilling template to mark and drill the middle holes in each of th...