Home N95ZB Build Timeline Starting Right Wing

Starting Right Wing - 7.3 hours

Today we started by placing the left wing into the holder and putting the spars for the right wing onto the sawhorses.

Desktop View Ready to start the right wing

With that done (and the outboard sawhorse flipped so the 1” block would be in the right place) we were ready to get started!

We inspected the spar and polished some minor dings as I had done for the left wing. Then we installed the wing root fittings (hinge blocks) and the lift strut fittings, again as per the left wing. The difference here is that we used the instructions in the new manual (bolt-sized clecos so the parts can always be reamed as an assembly and slightly undersized reamers) so we got better bolt fits that on the left wing. Several of the bolts had to be lubricated with lithium grease and lightly tapped into place.

After the bolts were installed and torqued we also placed the rest of the blocks/fittings onto the spar using clecos, per the manual.

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