Home N95ZB Build Timeline Riveting Center Ribs

Riveting Center Ribs - 1.8 hours

I talked to Mark at CubCrafters and got some tips for deburring the match-drilled rib holes and installing the rivets straight. He advised that I use a doubled up Scotchbrite pad to debur the back of the holes by fitting it in the gap in the spar and passing it back and forth a couple times. I therefore started the build today by removing each double rib, deburring the holes (including the front with a standard deburring tool), and reinstalling them. The picture below shows a cleco through one of the holes I drilled (on the left) and why it was so hard to reach the back. I should also mention that the hole cannot disturb the spar bulb (the rounded part above it) in any way. Since this one was a bit close I did double check with Mark and was told that it looked fine.

Desktop View The location on the back of the hole that I needed to debur

Mark also told me that, in order to get the rivets to pull straight, you have to force the puller in a bit by bending the rib out of the way slightly. I did this with Martha’s help - she pulled the rib aside slightly and confirmed everything was lined up and then I pulled the rivet. The rivets used here are stainless steel rivets which aren’t quite as picky as the CherryMAXs but can still have some problems. Specifically, a bit of the stem is supposed to stay in the rivet but sometimes it just falls out the back. I asked Mark what causes this and he said that it sometimes just happens. Unfortunately, there were 5 rivets that we pulled that had this issue and will need to be drilled out and re-done (I marked each one with masking tape as they happened). Because one of these is on rib #3 we also didn’t install rib #4 yet in order to give me more space while drilling it out.

Desktop View Installed rivets on one of the ribs

Finally, the two holes in the front spar for rib #12 aren’t quite big enough to fit the rivets. After finishing the build for the day I was able to confirm with Mark that the same rivets are used here and that the holes should just be re-drilled with the appropriate (#30) bit. I was obviously not able to do that today because I had already stopped working but that will be on the list for next time.

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