Home N95ZB Build Timeline Right Wing Front Pulley Bracket

Right Wing Front Pulley Bracket - 1.6 hours

Today Craig came by to try to help me install the pulley bracket on the top of the front spar per section 25 of the manual1. We were careful to try to line the bracket up very precisely before we started drilling any holes in order to avoid the slight misalignment problem we encountered on the previous wing. After the holes were all drilled and deburred we worked from the inboard side to the outboard side installing the rivets. We used the technique we learned previously to slowly push the rivet down while pulling it slightly with a handpuller to get it to seat all the way (they wouldn’t fully insert into the holes otherwise). The first 3 went fine but the 4th rivet (outboard most on the front side) failed to pull correctly. This is exactly what happened on the left wing. This is once again going to be a bit of a challenge to remove but at least we have done it before and have made the specialized tool to help. Replacing that rivet is the last remaining part of this step.

  1. Wing Manual (EX-2/EX-3) CK-KM301 Rev B, Section 25 

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