Home N95ZB Build Timeline Finishing Fuel Tank Straps and Drag Wires

Finishing Fuel Tank Straps and Drag Wires - 2.3 hours

Fuel Tank Straps

Today I started by installing the felt pieces on the fuel tank straps where they will contact the fuel tanks. I cut the felt strips to the lengths specified in the manual and centered them side-to-side on the straps as best I could (after cleaning the straps with denatured alcohol). The last time I tried to do this I had trouble peeling the backing off the felt strips without removing the adhesive as well. Per Craig’s suggestion, I used a razor blade to help me get under the paper which worked well. Now that the felt strips have been installed I am officially done with section 101.

Desktop View Felt installed on the fuel tank straps

I also came back a little later and used safety wire through the bolt sleeves of the top tank straps in order to hold the front and back sides together to form one piece. This makes it easier to ensure they are bent to the correct shape and it keeps them a bit more out of the way. I used some 0.032” safety wire for this since I will need it later anyway.

Drag Wires

I also finished the drag wire installation today by cutting the notch in rib #8 that is needed for clearance. The manual points out that the wire is supposed to pass on the front side of the first vertical piece within the rib and that the notch is therefore supposed to be on the front spar side. This was a little confusing at first since the ribs pictured are different but it turns out that this still applies since the ribs in my kit are effectively the same but with a diagonal support structure in each opening.

Knowing this, I tightened down the drag wire in the correct place and marked its position on the rib with a Sharpie. I then removed the end of the drag wire closest to the notch so that I could get it out of the way and got the notch started with my Dremel tool and an abrasive cone.

I continued to enlarge the notch with a rat tail file and periodically re-inserted the drag wire and tightened it in order to check the position and size of the notch. I had to remove quite a bit of material but eventually got the requisite 1/8” clearance on all sides. Once this was accomplished I deburred the edges of my notch and smoothed out any sharp corners using the Dremel tool, some small hand files, and a Scotchbrite pad.

Desktop View The notch in rib 8 for the drag wire

I re-installed the drag wire one final time and double checked the clearances. Since everything looked good that meant I was done with section 112 as well.

  1. Wing Manual (Extended Fuel), CCEX-004 Rev. 2.02, Pages 67-70 

  2. Wing Manual (Extended Fuel), CCEX-004 Rev. 2.02, Pages 73-76 

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