Zach Brewer

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Aileron Control Cable

Today I re-installed the aileron control cable per section 601. This time, I remembered to install the bushing in the inboard pulley and I lightly greased the bolt with lithium grease. I also light...

Outboard Tail Rib

Today I was able to get the outboard tail rib installed per section 53 of the manual1. This had turned out to be a bit of a challenge because, before installing the tail rib, I test fit it with the...

Stall Warning Cutout

The first thing I did today was cut out the leading edge skin for the stall warning horn per section 591 of the manual. After marking the position in Sharpie with the template provided, I drew an “...

Taking Inventory of the Engine and Firewall Forward Kit

The engine and firewall forward kits were delivered a couple weeks ago while I was out of town. Fortunately, Craig was here and was nice enough to receive mine too since our kits were being shipped...

Trimming the Left Wing Spar Tips

I completed a variety of steps on the wings today, skipping around somewhat as I became blocked/unblocked. To start, I tried to align the outboard tail rib along with the machined tail rib brace (i...

Tightening Tank Straps

Today was a quick build session after work where I tightened the fuel tank straps (1-3 threads showing, rather than a torque value). I tried to do this with a crow’s foot to hold the bolt head (as ...

Left Fuel Tank

I started today working on my own a for a bit in order to get the left wing ready for the fuel tank installation. I had already retrieved the tank from the shed, unwrapped it, and installed the tub...

Fabric Rivet Holes

Today I drilled the extra fabric rivet holes in the left wing per section 631 of the manual. Some of this I had already done (such as through the capstrip on rib #5 and the machined tail rib clips)...

Finishing Left Wing Nutplates and Aileron Cable Fairleads

I had a full weekend day to work so I was able to accomplish a lot today - although it was a bit scattered. To start, I finished the rear 2 fuel tank nutplates to officially finish section 571 of t...

Left Wing Front Tank Nutplates

Today I worked on the nutplates in the fuel tank bay some more. I was able to get both nutplates done on the leading edge side and marked out the position of the rear outboard one. After playing ar...